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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 29, Issue 6, pp. 1301-1536

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Blow-up in Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Equations

Philippe Souplet

pp. 1301-1334

Adiabatic Invariant of the Harmonic Oscillator, Complex Matching and Resurgence

Carles Bonet, David Sauzin, Tere Seara, and Marta València

pp. 1335-1360

Localized Spatial Homogenization and Large Diffusion

Aníbal Rodríguez-Bernal

pp. 1361-1380

Finite Speed of Propagation for the Porous Media Equation

S. Bonafede, G. R. Cirmi, and A. F. Tedeev

pp. 1381-1398

Bifurcation to Spiral Waves in Reaction-Diffusion Systems

Arnd Scheel

pp. 1399-1418

The Surface Diffusion Flow for Immersed Hypersurfaces

Joachim Escher, Uwe F. Mayer, and Gieri Simonett

pp. 1419-1433

Blowup and Life Span of Solutions for a Semilinear Parabolic Equation

Noriko Mizoguchi and Eiji Yanagida

pp. 1434-1446

Interior Blowup in a Convection-Diffusion Equation

Christopher P. Grant

pp. 1447-1458

Inequalities for the Polygamma Functions

Horst Alzer and Jim Wells

pp. 1459-1466

A Method of Characteristics for Some Systems of Conservation Laws

Arnaud Heibig and Amina Sahel

pp. 1467-1480

On the Dirichlet Problem for Vectorial Hamilton--Jacobi Equations

Sandro Zagatti

pp. 1481-1491

On the Stationary Cahn--Hilliard Equation: Bubble Solutions

Juncheng Wei and Matthias Winter

pp. 1492-1518

Singular Perturbation Approach to a 3-component Reaction-Diffusion System Arising in Population Dynamics

Yukio Kan-on and Masayasu Mimura

pp. 1519-1536